
Posts Tagged ‘Weight Loss’

Thursdays are for Jenny Craig weigh-ins!

November 20, 2009 3 comments

I lost 1.8 lbs. this week!! Yay!  Total so far on the program:  32.8 (this does not count 13 addl. pounds I managed to lose before then=45.8)

I am very excited about this because I have been on an up/down journey since this summer.  Today marks the lowest I’ve been since I started this program.  It’s funny, you’d think I would be at the lowest every time I lost weight but between today and July, it has been a love/hate relationship with the Jenny Craig scale.  Speaking of that, i think it would be really cool to do a chart of my progress from the beginning….I’ll have to get in touch with my consultant for the actuals…don’t you love that “my consultant”!

Goals for this week are:

  1. Begin exercising (again!).  I kinda fell of the workout wagon at the end of the summer=nice weather.  So, my goal is to exercise for 30 min. chunks 2x a week between now and the end of the year.  Then, it will go up to 3x.
  2. Maintain (or, heck, even lose!) weight for the week of Thanksgiving!  Pray for me.


  • Establish reasonable measures for the goal of #1 above and determine what it means to maintain a sense of “control” or “pride” or “empowerment” over my diet.  (These were Jenny’s words, not mine.)
  • Establish a reward to earn after December if I meet these goals.

So far I’ve come up with as reward options:

  • Buy/order my passport so I can go see my BFF in Europe.
  • Buy new bras at Victoria Secret–not that I want to promote their pornographic marketing but it is cool to finally fit into sexy nice-looking bras again.  If I still require bras, then, that is! sheesh.
  • New clothes.  Um, need places to go first.  I have 2 outfits I can rotate around in the mean time.
  • New stuff for my kitchen such as what’s listed on my Christmas wish list!  I just started it, I’m sure it will grow as the days go by.

I’m always up for ideas on the reward thing!  Put ’em in the comment box below!

Well, truth be told (my BFF always says this, can you tell I’m thinking about her?), I wrote this post more for me to record these things than for your entertainment pleasure.  I’ll likely do it as a regular Thursday thing since that’s the day I weigh in. Makes sense to me. And, hey–I think I’ll include a visual of some kind to illustrate how close to my goal I am.  And maybe another to map out the journey.  (I’ll put my husband on that right away!)  –Jen