
Posts Tagged ‘WalMart’

WalMart in 13 minutes!

October 21, 2009 1 comment

Last night, our family went for a drive to get some fresh air–well, also to strap the kiddos into car seats with lap toys and music so we could have some talking time.  Going to WalMart was an afterthought we decided to act upon since I knew I probably wouldn’t put the kids to bed and then head back out.  I had to go.  I was running out of alternatives for milk and bread.  Any mom knows what I’m talkin’ about.

So, to sweeten the pot, I announced that I would be gone only 12 minutes.  The timing commenced as soon as they dropped me off at the entrance.  Having spent $900 a month at WalMart for over a year now, I pretty much know my restock-the-kitchen route.  This was the first time I did it as a race car driver, though.

the cart

When I got to the check out stand, I told the checker I was being timed by my family in the car, and that I had collected all of this in 13 minutes. Her face lit up!  Weirdest thing.  Actually, I was probably the weirdest thing, come to think of it!  Nonetheless, she started scanning groceries and loading plastic sacks faster than I’ve ever seen at WalMart!  We laughed together and hurried our normal checkout procedures including six price matches!  It was a ball! (If you’re wondering, there was no one behind me because I was the last customer of her shift.  We would have had to involve the whole line had that not been the case!)

at the check out

Later on, I (flirtingly) mentioned to EDB, the Great that I must have looked super cute at WalMart because I garnered some attention from the other customers.  He swiftly reminded me that it may have been the fact that I was dressed in my mom get-up (complete with wacky hair do) racing through the aisles with a shopping cart.  Oh….that.