
Posts Tagged ‘video’

Homeschool Dance Night

October 22, 2009 Leave a comment

So, in keeping with the rules and regulations of educating our children at home according to the state of Nebraska, coupled with the where-with-all we have to introduce “culture” to our kiddos, we have instituted Homeschool Dance Night at our house from time to time.  (It just sounds better when I say it this way!) The most recent installation included Daddy’s example of “Gettin’ Down!”  The video’s caption tells the rest of the details.  Following is the internet debut of EDB, the Great:

Video Caption:  It was family dance night and Daddy decided show up all of the kids! He was washing dishes when he surprised us all with qued music, shades, moves and all! You’ll notice the “dad” sweatpants do take some of the precision out of the movements.  It may be time to do away with those!  Enjoy!

PS–I like Vimeo way better than YouTube.

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