
Posts Tagged ‘the Lord’

Rainy night and brilliant lights.

October 24, 2009 2 comments

Last night, while driving to meet my friend for dessert, it was drizzling rain as it had been all day.  So, while driving, I specifically asked God to give me a a prophetic word from Him for our time together.  (Isn’t that great?!  He wants to participate in our lives in this way, and he WILL.  Just ask!)

As I was just being in his presence on the drive to the restaurant I was struck by the brilliance and beauty of the red and green traffic lights reflecting on the street.  There were street lights, too, in various hues of yellow and white.  The lights looked so long and bright and brilliant in the puddly places on the street.  The colors were extraordinary.  The whole thing was in high def, it seemed!  Glistening and beautiful.  This photo is not my actual view, but this picture illustrates the essence what I saw.

street lights rainy

Do you notice the places on the street (in the foreground) where the concrete is wet but not reflecting?  It is dull and rough looking.  If all of the street is wet, then why are these parts textured and rough?   More specifically, why does the street reflect at some places and not others?  I studied the street and realized that the light reflected so well where there was actually standing water, like a sheet of water over the concrete.  Then I got it.

We reflect the brilliant light of Jesus Christ when we are immersed in the Living Water. Just as the street was beautifully reflecting the colors from the traffic lights only where the street was immersed in water.  Immersed.

im·merse \i-ˈmərs\ to plunge into something that surrounds or covers; especially : to plunge or dip into a fluid

Wet isn’t doing the job.  One is immersed, one is just wet.  Whoa!  I know!  There it was. Exactly what I asked for and I didn’t even have to try (read: do something) for this to happen to little ‘ol me!

Is it a word for you today?