
Posts Tagged ‘soak beans’

Beans, beans the musical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot!

November 2, 2009 7 comments

I’m not really inspired to write anything of value today but, I do have some fun kitchen adventures up my sleeve!  Here I’m going to show you how it is so simple (and fun!) to prepare your own beans!  It’s not scary.

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It costs nearly $1 for the canned beans and I got this 4 lb. bag for under $4.  It made the equivalent of  14 cans.  Now that is good math!

First of all, don’t fret, the instructions are normally right on the back of the bag, see:


Ok, next, follow the instructions!  For 1/2 the bag (2 lb.) I need about 12 cups of water.  Pour it over the beans and swirl it around looking for odd things to float to the surface to remove.   Oh, and don’t forget to generously salt at this point, it will make your beans taste great!


Here’s where you decide how much time you have.  You can soak all night then simmer for 1-2 hours but I wanted this project checked off my list quickly.  Alas, there was an option for me!  Boil for 2 minutes, Soak for 1 hour, Simmer for 1 hour. (All right from the back of the bag–no magic formula to remember.) Perfect.

IMG_7230 IMG_7228 IMG_7243 Done!

You know they’re done when they are soft enough.  Pretty easy.  Then drain them in a colander and portion them into freezer bags.


Boy, I really bagged it! :o)  I measured 2 cups of cooked beans into each bag (which is more than a can contains), labeled and froze.  Easy peezy.

Nice load!What on earth would you do with all these beans?  Chili.  Black Bean Quesadillas. Black Bean and Corn Salsa.  Meatless tacos.  Refried beans. Variety of soups. Use your imagination.  I do the same for pinto beans, kidney beans, white beans, and chick peas (can you say hummus? :o)

As always, thanks for reading my blog.  I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE if you’d comment back on your own opinions or experience on the topic.  Or, just say Hi!  Oh, and SUBSCRIBE to my blog; that way, you can receive a notice when I update this blog.  See you!  –Jen