
Posts Tagged ‘love’

Wifey Stuff (read if you’re single)

October 27, 2009 2 comments

I figured out how to get my husband to do what I want him to do. I know…you should be paying me a million bucks to read this post. But, because I like you, we’ll settle on $free-ninety-free.

To make translation from my house to yours easier, I’ll just write these as imperatives (it’s totally up to you whether you do them :o)

1.  Treat him as though he is the king of the earth.  Likely, he doesn’t deserve to be treated this way.  Do it anyway.  Likely you don’t deserve to be cherished and loved but you expect him to do it anyway.  See the connection?

2.  Look hot.

3.  Act Be interested in his day, his likes, his hobbies, his thoughts, his heart.

4.  Make time to hang out with him but don’t let it seem that you had to etch the time out.  This will make him feel that he is important to you.

5.  Pray for him.  And, at least tell him that you are doing so.  Otherwise, do it with him in your arms.  If you are doing #3 you’ll have better insight into what to pray for.

6. You start.  Yup.  Don’t sit around waiting for him to start the change and then be all mad when he doesn’t.  You start.

7. Take care of his children and his home WELL so he doesn’t feel bogged down by adding this to his plate (regardless of whether or not he then does either of those things, it still feels like burden to him and can clog him up).

8.  Initiate physical intimacy….that is:  Sex.  (Refer to #2 for advice.)


Recommended Reading…just to get started:

Created to be His Help Meet by Debbie and Michael Pearl

The Holy Bible, Proverbs by God

The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger

*Now, if you’re single, you’ll notice that the above imperatives include a lot of selflessness.  You’ll want to develop that character trait well before marriage.  It is in error to think that you’ll ride the “magic love wave” all throughout marriage and your selfishness will magically disappear.  Take it from me.  I am an expert on that line of thinking.

I knew none of these things on this day…

Our Wedding Day

So happy to be 5 sizes smaller today! Yay for dealing with heart issues!

Disclaimer:  I am not an expert on wifey-ness. Some assembly required. Member WWJD.

Let’s add a few more to the list!!  Comment away on your suggestions on marriage.  That will make this more fun for me :o)  –Jen