
Posts Tagged ‘grandma’

Eternity starts today.

October 20, 2009 3 comments

This morning at 6:52 I rolled out of bed.   I left the quiet room and silently thanked God for another day of life.  Interestingly, at nearly that same moment in time  my grandma entered heaven.

This wasn’t entirely unexpected.  Earlier this year, we all thought she was dying but then she miraculously recovered.  But, it wasn’t without lots of trouble.  In short, she has carried around tackle box of prescription drugs for years that kept death at bay and helped to redeem any quality of life there was left for her.  Then, after the above-mentioned episode and consequent nursing home stay, she had broken both of her ankles and was wheelchair bound all while staying off the failure of numerous organs.

I had just been to see her (with the grandbabies in tow, of course!) a few weeks ago and brought some oatmeal raisin cookies for our picnic.  What brings the biggest smile to my face is how she kept reaching for another one saying, “Ooh, these are just so wonderful, Jennifer! I must have one more.  This is a special occasion, afterall!”  She probably had about four!  And, how when I left her the extra 1/2 dozen to share with her friends at lunch the next day, I think we both knew that fewer and fewer friends would share in the cookie love before the day was over. ;)

She was the kind of grandma who maintained her matriarchal position in every family gathering whether she was cooking the turkey and bossing us all around or laying in the hospital bed…well, still bossing us all around!  It didn’t really matter the circumstances of her life, she had a well within from which she drew life. Spitfire life.  Dramatic life.  Humble life.  Joyful life.  Abundant life. Eternal life.

Happy Eternity Day, Grandma!   And thanks for the reminder that eternity starts today for me, too.