
Posts Tagged ‘free stuff’

You can pick your friends…

November 3, 2009 5 comments


Here we are about 5 seconds before going out for some girl time.  This is Rachel, isn’t she adorable?  (The worst picture of me of the 7 we took but she looked like a million bucks so…I mean, what are friends for?)

And then, here’s one with my mom and me.  It’s funny how I look 12 all of a sudden.  Like I reverted to my child self for this photo.  Weird.  It didn’t feel like that, but, who knows!  Maybe it’s because my 50 year old Mom looks 30!  Could that be? :o)  Just had to share.

My mama and me.

All this said to say that I really have great friends and great family!  I think my family hangs out together because we all get each other’s weirdness.  Well, come to think of it, some of my friends are weird, too.  Birds of a feather, I guess…. :o)


Ok, and now for some FREE STUFF!!

First up.  Click here for a free audio book!  Desiring God by John Piper.  Add it to your shopping cart and when you check out the code is:  Nov2009

The price will change to FREE from $16.95 and immediately ready to download.  I haven’t read/listened it yet but it’s goin’ on my iPod soon.

Next.  FREE online digital scrapbooking class.  What is this, exactly?  I’m not certain, but I signed up and I’ll find out soon enough.  Spend some time on her blog/website and you’ll be in the know!

Don’t just thank me, I found out about this here!  Her blog is great!  Gotta love blog hoppin’.


Categories: My Family, Save Money Tags: ,