
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Before I get too carried away….

August 30, 2009 1 comment

The man who made this all possible:  EDB.  My husband, the Great.  And, that’s me…goofing in the background.  (FYI:  This is the IMG_6261side of me that I hope to entertain you with here.) 

However, since this blog thingy is mostly his idea, he helped me create it, and he the earthly reason I am a mom, Mom Juice can, essentially, be credited to him. 

He’s sleeping right now and doesn’t know I’m up at 2:30 am doing this.  I hope this won’t begin a trend because my bedtime is officially 10:30.  Now, stay put and I’ll meet you back right here with a new skill (I’m going to go get) called blogging.  See you soon!

Categories: Uncategorized