
Archive for the ‘Mom Juice’ Category

Just gotta laugh…right?

November 9, 2009 2 comments

This picture of my son, Samson really says it all!


Yup.  That’s JUICE.  The sticky kind.  Is there really any other kind? <sigh>

Don’t you just love how he poses and smiles for the camera?

Oh, and you can only see 25% of the mess in the picture.

Mom Juice.

Monday Funday!

October 26, 2009 3 comments

For pure entertainment:  Improv Everywhere Pure enjoyment for three minutes or for an hour!

For Christmas shopping:  Red Letter Words

For learning:   of course, something “fall-ish” to cook, and a blog to follow:  101 Cookbooks

For Photography:

(hers) StacyIdeusPhotography

(yours) Google’s Picasa

Besides that it’s totally free, my fav feature is that it can identify faces and group photos by who is in them.  So  cool.   While it’s still learning the faces of your family it lists those who look most like that person.  I loved this  because I never think I look like my kids–but Picasa did!  Yay!  Plus, you can make photo collages, it organizes beautifully, and dumbs down some common Photoshop features for people like me to use!  Check out these  screen grabs of my people albums:

Fullscreen capture 10212009 33538 PM Fullscreen capture 10212009 32415 PM

For sharing my joy:


Ella (6) hosted a tea party for her little sister, Laynee (3) this morning.  It blessed my heart.

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