What’s Mom Juice?

The mom here is me.  I’m Jennifer Baker, a 31 year old (Yikes, when did that happen??) wife and mother who happened to win the life lottery.    I live near Omaha, Nebraska with my husband, Eric and our five kiddos.  They are also great.

Oh, and the Juice…well, use your imagination.  Somewhere along the way I began referring to the kid stuff all over me at the end of the day as mom juice.  Seemed to make perfect sense to me.  I find now that a lot of things fall into that category in my life:

  • Lot’s of “juice” is generated around here in a day.
  • I’m usually squeezed to the last drop by the time I make it to bed.
  • Because God’s mercies are new every morning, I’m technically fresh when I wake up.
  • When we we allow God to use us by submitting to His will, there is much less “spray” involved:  think of a lemon going upside down into a handheld juicer.  We’re be cleaning that up for days!
  • I’d much rather live a life full of Living Water “juice” flowing from an endless well of Life.  Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

This is my family and me:

This is me w/ my fam...a few lbs. ago

Here are photographic examples of mom juice in the most literal way (I’ll add them as I get them!):

This is an example of some mom juice.



I’m so in love with my husband, Eric.  He is the other part of our One Flesh.  So loving to me (and I’m hard to love, just ask my mom), a partner in life, diligently provides for our family, and is a model father.

  1. October 21, 2009 at 7:33 pm

    Hey there Jen. Your blog is made me laugh out loud tonight :) I have a blog and never do anything with it so maybe you can be my inspiration! Good Job :)

  2. angie wheat
    November 3, 2009 at 6:10 am

    Pretty neat site. I wish I had your ability to write!

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