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Ever green? You decide.

I’ve been thinking a lot about our Christmas tree this year.  Seems that every year I cannot simply unpack the ornaments and hang them up.  The tree must have a concept, it seems.  The concept isn’t really like a theme, it’s more like a different “look” each year.  In my previous posting you’ll see a picture of last year’s tree.

I have a few ideas so far but nothing usually comes together until I start doing it.  I have the usual Charlie Brown style of tree, the Western Douglas fir.  It’s not very full and is short and narrow.  I’m thinking PURPLE this year.  I know.  It may be a passing thought.  I love love love tinsel so that’ll be in for sure.  I’ve never tried fake snow….er, maybe not.  Who knows, really.  When it’s done, I’ll post a pic to share.  Until then…

So, in all this thinking and, really, lack of creativity right now, I came across two interesting Christmas tree things in the same hour today:  1) these fake trees:

and, 2) a friend’s facebook status that said, “…fake trees are DUMB”.

Funny, my knee-jerk reaction was to #1 was, “Wow!  How much is this fake tree?  Can I afford this?” By the way, the immediate answer was NO! And, my reaction to #2 was “of course, they are dumb!”  As you can see, I’m all sorts of conflicted today on the issue.  My heart of heart tells me one thing and my simplify-your-life side of me says something different.  So, I thought I’d see what YOU thought.  I have been wanting to create a poll for some time now and haven’t had the just right thing to poll until now.  Let’s see what we come up!

Oh, and do you have any links to cool Christmas Tree ideas of your own? Maybe you found some somewhere that you’ll share with everyone? Link it up!

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  1. Alisha Sickler
    December 3, 2009 at 8:40 pm

    Okay…when I was little, we always had a real tree. My dad would take us kids to pick it out…my mom was responsible for decorating it with 3 incredibly young and opinionated children. She also cleaned up the mess. It’s a huge fire hazard. What’s enjoyable about a real tree in your home is “the smell” and the fact that it’s the real thing. Angie and Nate have since inherited the “fake” Douglas Fir my mom bought when we were pre-teens. She stored it appropriately to avoid it getting matted. It looked wonderful in my teenage years and it looks wonderful in their home now. She probably spent $50 (or less) on a fake tree post the holiday at Hobby Lobby that would have retailed, pre holiday, at $250, or more. I remember when she said this would be the “last year of a real tree”. She appreciated (and still does) the look of a beautiful tree, which is why she shopped post holiday. The word “cheap”….I hate that word. It’s about planning, and finding and planning a good “deal”. “Cheap” never looks bad and often times looks better, if you do it right=-)

  2. Angela
    December 10, 2009 at 12:00 am

    I think that you should use some shirred tulle on your tree…it looks pretty cool. You could get sparkly purple, if the purple idea is still in!

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